Bango Windfarm Community Grants

Published on 01 July 2024


Applications are now open for the Bango Wind Farm Community Enhancement Fund.

The fund was created following State Government approval of the Bango Wind Farm project to offset any potential residual amenity impacts associated with the project and is administered by Yass Valley Council.

Individuals, businesses and not for profit organisations within the Yass Valley local government area may apply for grants up to $10,000 per year. Priority will be given to residents/groups within a 20km inclusion zone(PDF, 7MB).

Funding is restricted to projects or events in the Yass Valley local government area per the condition of the development approval.

The funding is restricted to maximum $10,000 per local project/program per annum, for a maximum of 3 years.

Applications for funding for 2024:

  • Open 1 July 2024 
  • Close 5 August 2024.

Application forms are available on Council’s website here(PDF, 381KB), or a copy can be obtained from Council’s Administration Office and Visitor Information Centre. Applications must address all the required information and be sent to Council via email, post or can be dropped into the Administration Office before the closing date. Ensure you include a subject/title of “Bango Windfarm Application – [applicant name]”.

Funding approval is a competitive process with each application reviewed against a set of criteria and weighed against other applications. Due to limited funding, not all requests that meet the established criteria may be approved. Refer to the Bango Windfarm Community Enhancement Fund Guidelines here(PDF, 209KB) for details.

Applications should be submitted via:

  • E-mail:
  • Post, or in person, at 209 Comur St, Yass, NSW 2582
  • When applying by hand or by email, the subject/title must be written as “Bango Windfarm Application – [Applicant Name]”.

Please note that applications received after 5 August 2024 will not be eligible for consideration.

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