Transfer Stations
Transfer Stations are located in Binalong, Bookham, Bowning, Gundaroo, Murrumbateman, Wee Jasper and Yass. Current prices for dropping off waste at any of our transfer stations is located in Council's Fees & Charges document.
Binalong Transfer Station
Works at the Binalong Transfer Station are now complete and the facility is now open to the public (from Wednesday, 12 March).
Opening hours are:
- Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
- Sunday: 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM
We thank the community for your patience whilst we carried out the necessary works - and we hope you enjoy the upgraded facility.
Bookham Transfer Station
- Located Illalong Road (approximately 800 metres from the Hume Highway).
- Open hours are:
Wednesday - 1-4:30 pm
Sunday - 8 am-12 pm
Bowning Transfer Station
- Silver Street (off Montem Street).
- Open Sunday from 8am to 12pm (closed Wednesdays until further notice).
Gundaroo Transfer Station
- Open Saturday and Sunday 9.00am until 5.00pm
Murrumbateman Transfer Station
- Open Monday, Wednesday Friday, Saturday and Sunday - 8.30am until 4.00pm
- Temporarily closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Murrumbateman Landfill's NSW Environment Protection Authority requirements
Sutton Recycling
- Located West Street.
- Recycling only - open 24/7.
Wee Jasper Transfer Station
- Located Wee Jasper Road.
- Open Sunday from 1pm to 4.30pm (recycling 24/7).
Yass Transfer Station
- Located Faulder Ave
- Open daily 8.00am until 4.30pm
Annual Waste Vouchers
Each year Council provides two domestic waste vouchers per rates notice for use at Council's waste and recycling facilities.
Each voucher entitles the property owner to dispose of one cubic metre of domestic waste, subject to restrictions on particular waste at no charge. Vouchers are not transferable and are not redeemable for cash. The waste vouchers are provided to rateable properties to assist in disposing of domestic waste. It is hoped the issuing of domestic waste vouchers will assist in reducing the number of illegal waste dumping incidents.
Terms and Conditions:
- Maximum of 1m3 of household domestic or green waste per voucher.
- Vouchers must be presented and retained at the waste facility at the time of use.
- Vouchers are not redeemable for cash and no credit will be given.
- Vouchers may be used for part payment of larger loads (see terms and conditions).
- Loads of waste that contain recycling or reusable material may not be accepted.
- Please separate recyclables.
- Only waste from domestic sources such as household or garden waste will be accepted.
- Maximum of two vouchers per load.
- One double mattress or two single bed mattresses accepted per voucher.
- No commercial, building and hazardous waste accepted.
- No fridges, freezers or air conditioners accepted.
- Lost vouchers will not be replaced.