Illegal dumping


Illegal dumping is the unlawful 'dumping' of waste onto land where no license or approval exists. The acceptance of waste of this nature continues to be an ongoing issue across the Yass Valley LGA. This is particularly the case in areas in close proximity to the ACT border, where surplus soil and building materials, originating from building sites in the ACT, are transported across the border for land filling purposes.

Illegal dumping on a property can result in high remediation costs for the landowner, lower property prices and in a worst case scenario, environmental contamination of the land that could prohibit any further development of the property.

Illegal dumping of unwanted household goods and rubbish on roadsides is unsightly, a risk to the environment and human health, and results in high clean-up costs encountered by Council, which can often not be recovered. If illegal dumpers can be identified, they will be directed to remove the rubbish themselves and issued an infringement.

Yass Valley Council Officers are currently working in collaboration with officers from the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) in an effort to address the illegal dumping issue. Investigations into illegal dumping will collect critical information to add to base data collected by Council that will be used to develop long term strategies to minimise and prevent illegal dumping.


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