Plumbing and Drainage
All plumbing and drainage work in the Yass Valley Council Local Government Area (LGA) must be carried out by a person who holds a licence, qualified supervisor certificate or tradesperson certificate.
Before any new plumbing and drainage works are carried out, the appropriate approval must be obtained and a notice of work must be provided to Yass Valley Council 2 business days before any work commences.
All plumbing and drainage works that require a performance solution are regulated by the NSW Fair Trading.
Do I need approval?
All new plumbing and drainage works requires approval from Yass Valley Council. This approval either comes through a Development Application process or by lodging a S68 Application through the NSW Planning Portal.
The above application will need to be lodged with the following documentation:
- Site plan showing the location of all buildings on site
- Floor plan showing all rooms and the location and layout of proposed wet areas (bathrooms, laundry, kitchen)
- Sewer Service Diagram
If the subject allotment cannot be connected to a reticulated sewerage system (the sewer) and the proposal requires the installation of an On-site Sewage Management System (OSSMS). You will also need to provide the following information:
- A Site and Soil Evaluation Report for Wastewater Disposal conducted by an appropriately qualified and experienced wastewater consultant.
- A site plan to scale detailing the location of the proposed OSSM System and its Effluent Application Area. All buffer distances to all waterways and dams, buildings, driveways, swimming pools, water storage tanks and property boundaries must be shown.
- Manufacturer’s details of the proposed OSSM System and NSW Health Accreditation Certificate.
Further Information about OSSMS please refer to our On-Site Sewage Management page.
Required documents and forms
Plumbers and drainers are required to submit the following documents at certain stages of the work:
- Notices of Work (NoW) - is to advise Yass Valley Council of the plumbers and drainers intention to carry out any plumbing or drainage work and must be issued to Yass Valley Council no later than 2 business days before work commences. The WoW must be completed by the plumber or drainer responsible for the intended works and all details on the form must be filled out appropriately.
- Certificate of Compliance (CoC) - is a legal requirement that certifies the plumbing and drainage work, to which it relates, is code compliant and must be issued to Yass Valley Council and to the person for whom the work was carried out, no later than 7 business days after the works have been completed. The CoC must be completed by the plumber or drainer responsible for the works carried out and all details on the form must be filled out appropriately.
- Sewer Service Diagram (SSD) - is a plan that shows the location of private sewer pipes on a property. A SSD must be issued to Yass Valley Council and the owner of the land or the owner’s agent no later than 7 business days after the works have been completed. An SSD must be prepared in accordance with the NSW Fair Trading Sewer Service Diagram (SSD) Requirements.
As the local plumbing and drainage regulator, Yass Valley Council must undertake inspections at the following stages:
Hold Point
All internal sanitary drainage.
Prior to backfill.
All external sanitary drainage
Prior to backfill.
Effluent disposal area prior to backfill or covering.
Prior to backfill or covering.
Inspection prior to use of the system.
At point of commissioning of the system.
At the completion of all plumbing and drainage works.
Prior to the occupation of the dwelling.
For more information on inspections, please visit our Building Inspections page. You are now able to book your inspections online!
Sewer diagram
Sewer diagrams are often requested when you are buying or selling a property, or wanting to undertake development.
There are two types you can request:
- A Sewer Main Diagram which shows the location of Council’s Sewer Main and where a property is or can be connected to.
- A Sewer Service Diagram which shows the location of private drainage and/or wastewater pipelines on the property, usually if a plumber has provided this information to Council.
Form 8 - Application for Sewer Main Diagram & Sewer Service Diagram
Location of water, sewer and stormwater assets
Enquiries on the location of Council's water, sewer and stormwater assets can be requested by filling out the Sewer and Stormwater form. You will need to provide the following information:
- Location of work
- Purpose of request (eg. excavation, planning, design)
- Name of company
- Phone number
- Email address
Information will be sent by email within three business days.
Location of water, sewer and stormwater ties
Enquiries on the location of water, sewer and stormwater ties for a property can be requested by emailing You will need to provide the following information:
- Property address
- Property owner name
- Phone number
- Email address
Information will be sent by email within three business days.