Subdivision Certificate

A Subdivision Certificate is a certificate issued under the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979, certifying that all conditions of a development consent for subdivision have been satisfied.

Conditions of consent may require you to:

  • Obtain a Construction Certificate for engineering works.
  • Pay developer contributions and head works charges.
  • Pay for rural addressing.
  • Pay an erosion control bond.
  • Obtain compliance certificates for the upgrade/construction of roads, accesses and fencing.
  • Obtain compliance certificates for the installation of water, sewer and/or stormwater infrastructure. 
  • Satisfy requirements of the NSW Rural Fire Service.
  • Undertake works required for weed control.
  • Provide confirmation that electricity and telecommunication services are available.
  • Create easements, building envelopes and/or restrictions over the lots. 
  • Provide evidence that dams satisfy maximum harvestable rights.

A subdivision cannot be registered with the NSW Land Registry Services unless the Subdivision Certificate has been issued by Council. The steps below will guide you through this process with Council.

Step 1 – Before you lodge
A Subdivision Certificate cannot be issued until all the conditions of your development consent have been satisfied. If a condition is not satisfied or insufficient information is provided to us, this will increase the time it takes for you to receive your certificate. So prior to lodging your application, triple check that the conditions of your consent have been satisfied.

Step 2 – lodging your application
So we can issue your Subdivision Certificate as quickly as possible, your application should be accompanied by:

  • An administration sheet which includes a subdivision certificate.
  • A deposited plan prepared by a registered surveyor which indicates easements, rights of carriageway, building envelopes and/or restrictions (as applicable).
  • An 88B instrument (if required).
  • Details for payment of all outstanding fees and contributions – this may include fees for inspections undertaken after your consent was issued. 
  • A statement detailing compliance with consent conditions .
  • Copies of all accompanying documents demonstrating compliance with conditions (eg. documentation from Essential Energy). 
  • Copies of all compliance certificates issued by Council’s Engineering division.

Step 3 – Assessment
Once lodged with us, your application will be referred to various sections within Council who are responsible for assessing certain aspects of your subdivision – typically Infrastructure & Assets and Water & Sewer. Feedback received from each of these sections will determine if the information you provided is sufficient and if not, further information will be requested.

Once confirmation has been received from each section of Council that the information provided is sufficient, your Subdivision Certificate and associated documents can be signed by an authorised Council officer (eg. a Council planner).

Step 4 – Collection of certified documents
Once your Subdivision Certificate, 88B instrument (if applicable) and survey plan have been signed, you will be contacted to collect the documents from the Council office. As these documents are very important, you will need to sign for the documents to confirm that they have been collected. 

Step 5 – Lodgement with NSW Land Registry service
Once you have collected the certified documents from Council, it is your responsibility to arrange the lodgement of the documents with NSW Land Registry Services (LRS) to be registered. LRS will notify you of the registration of the subdivision. LRS will also notify Council of the registration of the subdivision so that our records can be updated.