Water Billing

In order to preserve and better utilise our valuable water resource, Council has a 'User Pays System' for the provision of water infrastructure and water consumption. The water charges are made up of two components:

  • Water availability charge
  • Water consumption charge

The water availability charge, which forms part of the rate notice, is calculated according to the water meter size and it is charged per meter. The current water availability charge can be found in Council's current Fees and Charges.

The current water consumption charge can be found in Council's current Fees and Charges

To calculate water charges Council takes water meter readings three times per year:

  • October
  • February
  • June

Your Water Meter
The meter measures how much water you use. We use this information to accurately bill you for the water used at your property. The meter’s rotary piston has a number register connected to it that records your water use.

When you turn on a tap, the pressure in the water main pushes water through the meter along your pipes and out of your tap. As water flows through the meter, the piston rotates. One rotation on the meter represents one litre of water used.

The water meter remains the property of Yass Valley Council and we will visit your property to inspect, maintain and repair or replace it as necessary.

Please keep the water meter free from obstructions so it can be easily read and maintained. The tap on the water meter must be on, except when repairs or maintenance work is underway. Property owners are responsible for any water loss if the tap malfunctions.

We will visit your property to read the meter. Please let us know of any dangers, like an aggressive dog, that we need to be aware of when entering your property.

Accurate bills for our customers are important to us, so if our reader cannot access the meter at your property we will leave a card to let you know. You can read the meter yourself and provide the reading to us by email or calling us on 6226 1477.

  • Without a reading we will send you an estimated bill.
  • If you are unable to find the meter on your property, call us on 6226 1477.
  • If the meter is leaking, damaged or has been stolen, please let us know by either reporting it online or calling 6226 1477, so that we can repair or replace it, we may waive the cost associated with this.

How to Pay

Payment at Council
Payments are accepted at the Administration Building (209 Comur Street, Yass) from 9:00am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. Payment may be made by cheque, cash, EFTPOS or credit card.

Payment at Post Office
Payment can be made at any Australia Post Office within Australia by cheque, cash or EFTPOS. The Post Office will issue you a receipt.

Payment through Mail
Payment by cheque/money order can be posted with this payment advice to:

Yass Valley Council
PO Box 6 YASS NSW 2582

Payment via Internet
www.postbillpay.com.au can accept cheque, savings and credit payments.

Via your financial institution can accept cheque and savings payments only.

Payment via Phone
13 18 16 (POSTbillpay) can accept cheque, savings and credit payments.

Direct Debit
Direct Debit  is available upon request. To request this service please complete Form 78 - Direct Debit request.