Financial services


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Financial services 
Council’s financial services section provides timely and accurate information:

  1. To assist Councillors with decision making
  2. To manage and facilitate sustainable financial control of the organisation and ensure that commitments to deliver services to the community are maintained.

This section is responsible for supplier account management and debtor account management in order to satisfactorily manage the cash flow for Council and ensure that it can meet its financial obligations.

Accounts Payable

Submitting invoices
All invoices must be submitted using one of the following methods:

If tax invoices are delivered with goods, handed to Council officers or submitted in any other way there can be no guarantee that they will reach the Finance Section. This may result in delayed payment of your account.

Payment terms
Yass Valley Council standard terms of payment are up to 30 days from the receipt of a correctly presented tax invoice to the Finance Section. Staff do not have the authority to make or guarantee the date on which a payment will be processed. If you require confirmation of a payment date, please contact accounts payable - 02 6226 1477.

Not quoting an ABN
In accordance with the Australian Tax Office, Council requires all suppliers who do not have an ABN (or do not quote their ABN) to complete a Statement by Supplier Declaration Form and attach it with every invoice submitted. This form can be found on the ATO Website

Accounts Receivable

Invoices are raised on individual accounts. Details are recorded and the invoices are issued as soon as practical after works are completed.

Statements are issued monthly, detailing all transactions during the month

Payment of Debtor Accounts
Payments are due in 30 days and failure to pay may result in cancellation of services, except those where suitable payment arrangements have been made.

  • Payment at Council
    • Payments are accepted at the Administration Building from 9:00am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. Payment may be made by cheque, cash, EFTPOS or credit card.
  • Payment at Post Office
    • Payment can be made at any Australia Post Office within Australia by cheque, cash or EFTPOS. The Post Office will issue you a receipt.
  • Payment through Mail
    • Payment by cheque/money order can be posted with this payment advice to:
    • Yass Valley Council, PO Box 6 YASS NSW 2582
  • Payment via Internet
    • can accept cheque, savings and credit payments. BPay via your financial institution can accept cheque and savings payments only.
  • BPAY, via your financial institution.
  • Payment via Phone
    • 13 18 16 (POSTbillpay) can accept cheque, savings and credit payments. BPay via your financial institution can accept cheque and savings payments only.

Direct Debit
Direct Debit is available upon request. To request this service please complete Form 78 - Direct Debit request.