

Yass Valley Council is responsible for the management of seven cemeteries, with three memorial gardens and four niche walls for ashes. Council is also responsible for the maintenance, interments, record keeping and liaison with funeral directors in relation to these cemeteries.

  • Yass Lawn Cemetery - Irvine Drive, Yass.
  • Yass Old Cemetery -  Irvine Drive, Yass.
  • Murrumbateman Cemetery - South Street, Murrumbateman.
  • Binalong Cemetery - Cemetery Road, Binalong.
  • Bookham Cemetery - Childowla Road, Bookham.
  • Bowning Cemetery - Bowning Road, Bowning.
  • Gundaroo Cemetery - Judith Street, Gundaroo.

Council reserves the right to remove (without notice) any unauthorised works, and unapproved, excessive or incorrectly located flower containers or plants.

Council will only grant a monumental permit with the consent of the grantee of the 'Right of Burial'.

Council will not be liable for the future care, maintenance, preservation, conservation or restoration of the construction (headstone and surrounds) erected or placed over the grave.

Yass Lawn Cemetery(PDF, 58KB)

How can ashes be interned?

Ashes can only be interned in Council’s memorial gardens or niche walls by an approved contractor that has provided copies to Council of their public liability insurance (to the value of $10M) and has then been given approval by Council to commence work.


What is a niche wall or columbarium wall?

A Niche Wall or Columbarium Wall is a specially designed wall where ashes of the deceased are placed. Only one set of ashes can be interred in each space. A bronze plaque is affixed to the front of the wall covering the space.


What do i do when someone passes away?

When someone has passed away and the family wishes the deceased to be buried, the funeral director will contact Council to make all necessary arrangements. The funeral director will book a date for the burial that is suitable to all parties.


Burial questions and information

How much does a burial cost?

  • The cost for a burial changes each financial year. Refer to Council's current Fees & Charges for cost.

How much do 'Right of Burials' cost?

  • The reservation fee will vary from cemetery to cemetery and can be found in Council's current Fees & Charges.

What is a 'Right of Burial'?

When you reserve and pay the appropriate fee for a plot at any of the cemeteries administered by Yass Valley Council, you will be issued with a 'Right of Burial'. This will list your plot details such as Section and Lot number as well as any special instructions such as double depth. This right of burial should be kept in a safe place. You should advise your next of kin of your arrangements so that they are aware of your wishes.


Grave questions and information

Can I sell my plot to another person?

  • No, the plot cannot be sold to a third party. You have only paid for the “right to be buried” and you do not actually own the land. The right may be transferred free of charge to another person. If this occurs, please notify Council so we can amend our records. Alternatively, the site can be returned to Council and the original price, less a cancellation fee, will be refunded.

Who can install or repair monuments?

  • You must apply to install a monument - Please visit our forms page to access  Application to erect cemetery monument.
  • All installations and repairs to monuments must be undertaken by qualified stonemasons.

Can I do work to a grave?

  • No, you are not able to undertake any activity other than the cleaning or weeding around a grave. You will need to contact Council regarding any maintenance issues or internment matters. 

Can I leave flowers at a grave?

  • Yes, provided they are in plastic vases. Due to risk of injury, glass, pottery and ceramic vases are not to be left at the cemetery.

Can I plant trees, shrubs and bushes on the grave?

  • No, it is essential that lawn areas be kept clear at all times.


How do i reserve a burial plot or place for ashes?

Once you have decided on an area by visiting a cemetery, you then need to contact Council. Please be aware that your first choice may not always be available. This could be for a number of reasons, including existing 'Right of Burials', previous internment or future planning requirements.