Council has received a Gateway Determination from the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure dated 16 July 2024 allowing the proposal for Lot 27 DP 1301590, 34 Isabel Drive Murrumbateman to be placed on public exhibition. The Gateway Determination requires Council to place the planning proposal on public exhibition for a period of not less than 20 business days. The proposal is being re-notified due to an administrative error.
The objective of the planning proposal is to amend Yass Valley Local Environmental Plan 2013 to enable the development of the site for the purposes of self-contained accommodation. The intended outcome of the planning proposal is to allow the lodgement of a development application for self contained accommodation, enable continuation of the winery, cellar door, function centre and restaurant uses on the site as part of the integration of agriculture and tourism. It is also an intended outcome that the site is able to accommodate self-contained accommodation in an urban setting without impacting upon other land uses.
Council has been nominated as the plan making authority for this planning proposal.
The planning proposal may be viewed on Council’s website ( or on the NSW Planning Portal. Submissions may be made in writing and must be received by Council no later than 5pm on Friday, 24 January 2025. Submissions can be made to Yass Valley Council,
PO Box 6, Yass NSW 2582, or 209 Comur Street, Yass or