Murrumbateman Old School House - Draft PoM
This Plan of Management (PoM) has been prepared by Council and provides direction for the asset management of the Old School House site in Murrumbateman and the land situated on Crown Reserve 97127.
Plans of Management provide information about the reserves and their users and state what, why, how, and by whom the values of a reserve are being managed. They are statements about how the reserve is to be managed in line with its purpose.
If you have any comments about this Plan of Management, submissions must be made in writing to the CEO of Yass Valley Council, 209 Comur Street, Yass, NSW 2582. Please note that submissions may be subject to release of information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Submissions will close at the close of business on the date the exhibition period finishes, which will be Monday, 17 March 2025.
Draft-Murrumbateman-Old-School-House-and-Library-Reserve-PoM.pdf(PDF, 2MB)