Crago Mill Precinct
- Project typeCommunity Precinct
- Project valueup to $50 million
- Project scheduleOngoing
- Contractor nameDavid Payne Constructions Pty Ltd
Some history on the Crago Mill
Crago Mill was first known as Barber’s Mill, after T Barber who built the mill in 1870.A.B. Triggs purchased and refurbished the mill in 1898, which included extending the railway line to service the mill. It was sold to P.T. Crago a year later, who used the mill to produce bran, flour and breakfast cereals. Demand on the mill reduced in the 1920s and 1930s as the local agricultural industry shifted from wheat to sheep production. During the Great Depression, the mill was converted to a rabbit processing and freezing works. Eventually, the mill was sold to Winchcombe Carson as a produce store and the surrounding buildings were sold to Council.
How did we get here?
Planning for the precinct first began in 2006 when the former council began to acquire the land on Comur Street where the Crago Mill and Council administration building is currently located. This decision was made with the forethought that as the Yass Valley grows, the parcel of land would be well suited to accommodate a community precinct and council administration building for the growing LGA.
In February 2020, Council identified several infrastructure projects for the Yass Valley and resolved to undertake planning and design work so the projects would be ‘shovel-ready’ in the event of grant funding opportunities.
Council identified the Crago Mill Precinct as one of the main priorities for the preparation of ‘shovel-ready’ plans. The project involves the enhancement and conversion of the former Crago flour mill, in the centre of Yass. The precinct will also include:
- A world-class library with a children’s area and study centre.
- Café.
- Community meeting rooms.
- Small business centre/work hub.
- Space for long-term government tenants and community groups
- Public amenities
- Plaza
- On-site carpark; and
- New Council administration building and Council chamber.
Community involvement
In late 2020, Council began the consultation process by calling on the community to have their say on the proposed scope of works for the project and the preferred location of the precinct.
During this time, council also sought Expressions of Interest from appropriately qualified designers to assist in the development of project plans.
Using the valuable feedback provided from the community, Council decided that Comur Street was the preferred site for the precinct and submissions made regarding the scope of works were passed on to Brewster Hjorth Architects (BHA).
In June and July 2021, the precinct masterplan and detailed designs were placed on public exhibition for further consultation with the community. During this time, BHA held consultation sessions with the community and plans were on display at the Yass Library, Administration building, Councils website and Facebook page. All submissions that were made regarding the design and layout of the precinct were taken into consideration, passed on and incorporated into the final design.
In January 2022 the Development Application and plans for the proposed precinct went on public exhibition and in October 2022, the final DA was lodged and assessed by Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council and the Joint Regional Planning Panel.
In May 2023, the Development Application was officially approved.
Moving forward
The Precinct funding program got the green light from all councillors at the April 2023 council meeting after a competitive tendering process to choose a loan provider. The council will offset the loan of up to $50M by seeking grants and selling surplus land from its portfolio of current land holdings. No SRV (special rates variation) is proposed as part of the decision.
Council aims to keep the community up to date on the development of the Crago Mill precinct. For all of the latest updates on the project moving forward, please see below.
Additional information and resources:
Link to zoom presentation held by BHA regarding concept designs
Crago Mill Precinct Concept designs(PDF, 46MB)
Crago Mill Precinct Project Brief(PDF, 12MB)
Crago Mill Precinct Aerial Render(PDF, 128KB)
Media Release-Council Accepts Tender for Development of Crago Mill Precinct(PDF, 145KB)
REMPLAN Report - Crago Mill Economic Assessment(PDF, 861KB)
Project updates & community information
17 January 2025
REMPLAN have issued an economic assessment report outlining how the Crago Mill Precinct is poised to deliver transformative economic benefits to Yass Valley, the Southern Tablelands, and the broader New South Wales region. The report outlines how the project will invigorate the local economy, create jobs, and enhance regional prosperity.
23 November 2023
Council has voted to accept a tender for the development of the Crago Mill Precinct. Following negotiations the construction company David Payne Constructions Pty Ltd was successful in gaining the tender.
The next stage of the project will involve finalising designs for the new precinct. Construction on the project will then commence.
28 September 2023
Council considered two tenders for the construction of the Crago Mill Precinct Project. Council determined to reject both tenders and agreed the Chief Executive Officer and nominated staff be authorised to enter into negotiations with both tenderers to identify savings in build costs and provide further assurances of capacity for cost increases and price variations within the budget price.
Negotiations are being undertaken with each tenderer and it is anticipated a report will be presented to the November 2023 Council Meeting on the negotiated outcomes.
June 2023
The Tender to find a suitable principal contractor for the entirety of the precinct project is now live on Tenderlink. The tender will be open for a period of five weeks and will close on Thursday, 27 July 2023 at 2pm AEST.
Based on the tenders received, a report will be prepared for the September 2023 Council meeting to appoint a head contractor for the entirety of the project.
April 2023
The Crago Mill Precinct funding program was given the green light from all councillors at the April Ordinary Council meeting after a competitive tendering process to choose a loan provider. The council will offset the $50M loan by seeking grants and the sale of surplus land from its portfolio of current land holdings. No SRV (special rates variation) is proposed as part of the decision.
This project will unfold concurrently with the Yass Main Street masterplan revitalization with provision in the draft 23-24 budget to kick start both projects.
January 2022
Plans for the Crago Mill Precinct went on public exhibition for four weeks from Monday, 31 January. The development application and submissions made during the public exhibition period will be reviewed by the NSW State Government's Regional Planning Panel.
July 2021
Yass Valley Council is preparing to lodge a development application for the Crago Mill Precinct after Councillors approved the concept design and master plans at their ordinary meeting on Wednesday, 28 July.
Council is on track to submit a development application by August 2021. The application will be independently assessed by the Joint Regional Planning Panel.
July 2021
Public Presentation – Crago Mill Precinct
Wednesday, 14 July 2021 - 7.30pm – 9.30pm via Zoom
The public presentation will give the community a chance to hear from Brewster Hjorth Architects (BHA), view the Crago Mill Precinct concept designs, ask questions and provide comments. If you are interested in attending the session please email A link to the zoom presentation will be sent via email.
UPDATE: For residents that could not attend the public presentation, a recording can be found here
June 2021
Council are now inviting the community to have their say on the Crago Mill Precinct masterplan. Brewster Hjorth Architects (BHA) have prepared a number of options that identify the functionality and spaces that are required within the new precinct, with these options presented to Council at its May 2021 meeting.
This submission process is all about finding out what the community thinks of the masterplan and how the concept design should be progressed, particularly for the Crago Mill and the use of the commercial space.
Submissions close 5pm Friday, 18 June 2021.
To view the masterplan please click here(PDF, 12MB)
Further community consultation will take place once the concept designs have been developed, however this is the time to have your say in guiding the next stage of development of the Crago Mill Precinct.
February 2021
Council has officially endorsed 209 Comur Street as the preferred location for the redevelopment of a new Civic Precinct.
Submissions were called for on the preferred location and the overall scope of works. From the feedback, two key sites were identified – the current site at 209 Comur Street and a parcel of land on Rossi Street, which extends into Riverbank Park. A Council report on both options set out why Rossi Street was prohibitive in terms of flood risk, heritage considerations and avoidable additional financial costs to the public.
Council has engaged property and infrastructure specialists APP Corporation Pty Ltd to provide the required project management skills that are unable to be retained by Council on an ongoing basis. APP has coordinated tenders and RFQs for submissions for 17 project related disciplines necessary for a project of this scale and complexity.
All community members will now be invited to participate in the design phase of the Civic Precinct and their input will be incorporated, wherever possible, within the overall scope of the project.
December 2020
Yass Valley Council are now inviting tenders for Architectural and Interior Design services, Multi-Services Engineering (Electrical, ICT, Fire, Hydraulic, Mechanical, Audio Visual and Vertical Transportation), Civil and Structural Engineering Services and Quantity Surveying Services.
Closing date: 22 January 2021
September 2020
Council have examined several sites for the proposed precinct, including the former saleyards site, Goodradigbee Centre, former Landmark building and the Commercial Hotel site. Council have selected the current Administration Building site at 209 Comur Street due to its central location and available land.
Council is keen to understand if the elements for inclusion in the Civic Precinct meet community needs and expectations – now and into the future. Submissions from the community on the preferred location (209 Comur Street), and the scope of works.
There will be further opportunity for community input during the formal design phase. The final plan will be put to Council for endorsement prior to any development approval.
Council has now decided to seek Expressions of Interest from appropriately qualified designers to assist in the development of project plans.
209 Comur Street, 2582 View Map