Back Creek Road Back Creek Road provides a link for the rural community to access between Yass River Road, and Sutton Road, providing links to the Hume Highway at Gunning and Gungahlin in the ACT. The project includes sealing the entire road and replacement of a bridge.
Bridge Renewal Program Three grant applications were lodged in 2022 for the replacement of three low level crossings under the Federal Government’s Bridge Renewal Program. All low level crossings are proposed to be replaced by concrete two lane bridges.
Crago Mill Precinct The Crago Mill precinct project will deliver a community precinct for the Yass Valley, inclusive of a world-class library, café and space for long-term government tenants and community groups.
Murrumbateman All-abilities Playground This project will provide the Murrumbateman community with an inclusive all ages, all-abilities playground at the Murrumbateman Old Schoolhouse site. This project is necessary as the community is rapidly expanding and does not currently have a functionable large community playground.
North Murrumbateman Masterplan Council is currently completing a masterplan for North Murrumbateman. Council held a community meeting in October 2023 to discuss the project and gain input from the community. Council will continue to consult with the community as the project progresses.
Sutton Road Rehabilitation: Segment 35, Stages 1 & 2 The Murrumbateman Road intersection includes two sections of segment 35; Stage 1 is 550m and Stage 2 is 440m (plan below). This work will provide an improved road surface, improve the serviceability of the road, and improve safety.