Committees of Council

Council has established a committee structure with various committees and working groups that provide advice and recommendations on a range of matters.

Representation on Council’s committees and working groups includes community members, Councillors and industry representatives. Nominations are normally called for and appointed every four years, in line with the Council term.

Public Participation in committee meetings:
Advisory Committees are open meetings so members of the public may attend as observers only.

The Guidelines for Advisory Committees and Committees of Council can be viewed here(PDF, 835KB)  .

Councils must adopt a code of meeting practice that incorporates the mandatory provisions of the Model Meeting Code. View the Code of meeting practice here(PDF, 640KB).


General Manager Performance Review Committee
Council Representatives: All Councillors.
Functions delegated by Council to Committee:

  • Review General Manager’s performance.
  • Recommend outcomes in relation to Performance Agreement and prepare minutes for Council records.  

Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee

Council Representatives: Mayor Allan McGrath & Councillor Jim Abbe
Functions delegated by Council to Committee:

  • To provide independent assurance and assistance to Council on risk management, the control framework, legislative compliance, internal audit and external accountability responsibilities.


Economic Development Advisory Committee
Council Representatives: Councillor Mike Reid & Councillor Jasmin Jones.
Functions delegated by Council to Committee:

  • To provide advice and support to Council on long-term sustainable economic growth within the context of generating, attracting and maintaining business activity and/or employment in Yass Valley.
  • Provide advice on economic development strategy.
  • Provide advice on tourism strategy.
  • Provide a forum to engage with the local business community.
  • Support, attract and grow local businesses.
  • Projects to be determined by the Committee.
  • To make recommendations consistent with the Community Strategic Plan in relation to economic development and tourism.
  • Advice on future development of mainstreet incorporating the heritage aspects.

Aboriginal Consultative Committee
Council Representatives: Councillor Kim Turner & Councillor Mike Reid.
Functions delegated by Council to Committee:

  • To provide a forum for support, communication and understanding between the Aboriginal community and Council.
  • To consider and make recommendations to Council on Aboriginal issues.

Yass Soldiers' Memorial Hall Advisory Committee
Council Representatives: Councillor Jim Abbey, Councillor Kim Turner & Councillor Cayla Pothan.
Functions delegated by Council to Committee:

  • To recommend priorities for maintenance and capital improvements of Yass Soldiers' Memorial Hall.

Sustainability Advisory Committee
Council Representatives:
To be confirmed
Functions delegated by Council to Committee:

  • To embed financial, environmental, social and cultural sustainability into Council’s operations through the continuous review of policies, projects and services offered by Council.
  • To take advice from all sectors of the community, and to research and propose new and innovative ways of bringing sustainability into all of Council’s policies and operations.
  • To make recommendations to Council on best-practice sustainability, consistent with the Community Strategic Plan.
  • The Committee membership to include no fewer than 7 and up to 10 community members.

Youth Council
Council Representatives: Councillor Cayla Pothan.
Functions delegated by Council to Committee:

  • To provide a forum for Council to consult with and receive advice from representative youth in Yass Valley.

Coppabella Wind Farm Community Enhancement Fund Advisory Committee
Council Representatives: Mayor Allan McGrath, General Manager Chris Berry, or a delegate.
Functions delegated by Council to Committee:

  • To determine the form in which applications for funding for local projects from the Community Enhancement Fund are to be made.
  • To recommend to Council which applications for funding for local projects should be funded from the Community Enhancement Fund.

Rye Park Community Enhancement Fund Advisory Committee  
Council Representatives:
Mayor Allan McGrath, General Manager Chris Berry, or a delegate.
Functions delegated by Council to Committee:

  • To determine the form in which applications for funding for local projects from the Community Enhancement Fund are to be made.
  • To recommend to Council which applications for funding for local projects should be funded from the Community Enhancement Fund.

Bango Wind Farm Community Enhancement Fund Advisory Committee
Council Representatives: Councillor Jim Abbey, General Manager Chris Berry, or a delegate.
Functions delegated by Council to Committee:

  • To determine the form in which applications for funding for local projects from the Community Enhancement Fund are to be made.
  • To recommend to Council which applications for funding for local projects should be funded from the Community Enhancement Fund.

Springdale Solar Farm Community Enhancement Fund Advisory Committee
Council Representatives:
Mayor Allan McGrath or a Councillor delegate & General Manager Chris Berry or a delegate.
Functions delegated by Council to Committee:

  • To determine the form in which applications for funding for Local Projects from the Community Enhancement Fund are to be made
  • To recommend to the Council which applications for funding for Local Projects should be funded from the Community Enhancement Fund

Focus Groups

Public Arts Focus Group
Council Representatives: Councillor Cayla Pothan & Councillor Jasmin Jones.
Functions delegated by Council to Committee:

  • To apply the selection and evaluation process outlined in the Public Art Policy and make recommendations to Council regarding Public Art projects.
  • Assess and advise on Public Art proposals and commissions in accordance with the Public Art Policy.
  • Advice on decommissioning and relocation of Public Art works.

Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds Focus Group
Council Representatives: Councillor Mike Reid & Councillor Kristin Butler.
Functions delegated by Council to Committee:

  • To identify maintenance priorities and standards.
  • To identify priorities for new or upgraded facilities.

Sports Council
Council Representatives: Councillor Kim Turner.
Functions delegated by Council to Committee:

  • To recommend priorities for maintenance and capital improvements and to advise on use of sporting facilities.
  • Provide endorsement of Department of Sport & Recreation Grant applications from the local area.


Project working parties/Steering Committees

Yass Valley Open Space Strategy Project Committee
Council Representatives: Councillor Kristin Butler & Councillor Kim Turner.
Functions delegated by Council to Committee:

  • To provide input and advice to Council and staff on the development of the Yass Valley Open Space Strategy.
  • To assist in determining recommendations and projects for the implementation of the strategy.
  • To act as champions of the project within the broader community.

Yass Main Street Masterplan Project Committee
Council Representatives: Councillor Jim Abbey, Councillor Kim Turner & Councillor Cayla Pothan.
Functions delegated by Council to Committee:

  • To provide input and advice to Council and staff on the development of the Yass Main Street Masterplan.
  • To assist in determining recommendations and projects for the implementation of the masterplan.
  • To act as champions of the project within the broader community.

External Committees

Canberra Region Joint Organisation
Council Representative: Mayor Allan McGrath.

Joint Regional Planning Panel
Council Representative: Councillor Jim Abbey (alternate to be sourced if there is a conflict of interest).

Local Emergency Management Committee
Council Representative: Director of Infrastructure and Assets.

Local Rescue Committee
Council Representative: Director of Infrastructure and Assets.

Regional Emergency Management Committee
Council Representative: Director of Infrastructure and Assets.

Local Traffic Committee
Council Representative: Councillor Adrian Cameron.

Ginninderry Conservation Trust
Council Representative: Councillor Jasmin Jones.

ACT & Region Catchment Management Coordination Group
Council Representatives: General Manager Chris Berry or Director of Planning and Environment.

Southern Tablelands Regional Arts
Council Representatives: Councillor Cayla Pothan & Director of Corporate and Community.

South East Australia Transport Strategy
Council Representative: Director of Infrastructure and Assets.

South East Weight of Loads Group
Council Representative: Manager of Engineering Services.

South West Regional Waste Management Group
Council Representative: Manager of Facilities and Waste Assets.

Coppabella Wind Farm Community Consultative Committee
Council Representative: Councillor Kim Turner.

Rye Park Wind Farm Community Consultative Committee
Council Representatives: Councillor Jim Abbey.

Bango Wind Farm Community Consultative Committee
Council Representatives: Councillor Jim Abbey.

HumeLink Community Consultative Committee
Council Representatives: Councillor Adrian Cameron.