Binalong Memorial Swimming Pool


The Binalong Memorial Swimming Pool is conveniently located on the main street of Binalong. The complex has three swimming pools, the main pool being 25 meters in length and the two smaller pools catering to toddlers and young children.

There is an on-site kiosk, showers, change rooms, accessible toilets and shaded picnic areas all set within a spacious grassed enclosure. All staff are trained by the Royal Life Savers.

Binalong Memorial Swimming Pool was built by the citizens of Binalong and District in honoured memory of those who died and in appreciation of all who served from 1914 to 1918 and 1939 to 1945.

2024/25 Pricing

Casual entry prices - both pools

  • Adults $5.80
  • Children $4.60
  • Aged pensioners $4.60
  • Preschool children and onlookers $1.20
  • School groups per student $1.70

Season tickets - Binalong (does not include entry into Yass Pool)

  • Family $143.00
  • Adults $90.60
  • Child/aged pensioner $78.40
  • Pensioner family $131.50
Intensive Swimming Lessons Program - Binalong

Note: Program will depend on availability of qualified swim instructors
Week 1: 13-17 January 2025
Cost: $82.40 per child

The above dates for the swimming program, lessons will be weather permitting and dependant on staff availability.

Closed Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

Additional Forms

To purchase your season passes please click here


Stephan Street, Binalong 2584  View Map

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